Shoulder mobility exercises
Shoulder mobility exercises

The important aspect of passive range of motion exercises is that you don’t actively engage any muscles. In the case of the shoulders, passive range of motion shoulder moves work to stretch the arms in various directions. In this drill you grab each end of the broom stick and try to bring the stick from your front pelvis to your butt, going overhead and behind. The best way to increase range of motion is by regularly engaging in mobility exercises. Not shown in the video but instructed was an exercise using a stretch strap or broom stick that I call “around the worlds”. I believe correction of the extension motion will be of most benefit.

shoulder mobility exercises

I am mainly focusing on extension rather than internal rotation because internal rotation is usually the dominant movement most of us have and truly external rotation is what should be trained. Soft tissue work via a softball, lacrosse ball, beastie ball, or foam roller. The final phase of this exercise is to take your shoulder blades and squeeze them together. Next, use a stretch strap, a towel, a belt or a strong resistance band to perform the extension drills seen in the video. Recall that tight muscles can often be the culprit behind poor shoulder mobility. Your arms should remain parallel to the floor at all times. Followed by some myofascial work of the posterior shoulder. We will start with some warm up work such as stretching the pecs and lats as shown in the video. Rest your left elbow on your left quadricep and stretch your right arm long overhead towards.

shoulder mobility exercises

Many of these drills will be similar to the drills for correcting improper posture (forward head carriage, internal shoulder rotation caused by tight chest muscles and lat muscles, weak external rotators of the shoulder). Stand with your feet twice your hip's width apart and squat down as you turn your heels in and toes out.

Shoulder mobility exercises how to#

Recently was asked for a video on how to mobilize the shoulder joint, particularly in extension and internal rotation.

Shoulder mobility exercises